
Welcome to my blog! Nice to have you here - feel free to look around! There will be colours and things and people, illustrations I did for others, illustrations I did for me... have fun! :)

domenica 19 dicembre 2010

Oma faellt in Ohnmacht - Grandma fainting

Oma und Watschel, das Schwein in geheimer Mission ... ein kleiner Einblick in das naechste Buechlein, an dem ich fuer den Autumnus-Verlag arbeite! Ich weiss, dass die Bilder farbig schoener sind, aber schwarz-weiss ist billiger ...
A pig on a secret mission - but what mission will remain a secret as well, at least until next year, when the Autumnus Verlag will public this cute little story! I know that coloured illustrations are a lot nicer - but black and white is a lot cheaper ...

mercoledì 1 dicembre 2010

Man in the Moon

So, jetzt wisst ihr auch, warum der Mond manchmal ein Halbmond ist ... und der arme Mann im Mond muss hart daran arbeiten, den Vollmond wieder aufzubauen!
Now you know why there is a half moon ... and how angry the man in the moon will be, since he has to rebuilt the full moon every month!